Services at
All Saints' & St Mary's

Morning Prayer
This takes place some Sundays at 9:00 am and some Wednesday's at 9:30 am. Please see our worship page for details.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion takes places at both churches. Please see our worship page for details.
At St Mary's this is usually a said service (no singing), while at All Saints' the service includes worship through music and prayer. Both services are based on the resources provided by the Church of England common worship. Sunday Club is available at All Saints'.
We welcome all who know and love the Lord Jesus to share in his meal. Alternatively a blessing is offered if you wish.

Family Worship
Family Worship takes place at 10:30 am at All Saints'. Please see our worship page for details.
This service is based on morning prayer using interactive liturgy, prayer and music. No two services are identical as each is created to reflect the theme and season. Sunday Club is available at All Saints'.
All Age Worship
All Age Worship takes place at 10:30 am at All Saints'. Please see our worship page for details.
This service is aimed at the whole church community. We celebrate our time together through singing, prayer and exploring God's word. The church band often lead the music at this service.
On most first Sundays in the month we meet in the hall for Crafty Chatty Church. After sharing breakfast together there are a range of crafts for all ages and/or you may wish to engage in 'prompted chats' about the morning's theme. We conclude the morning with a short time of worship. Keep an eye on our What's On page for our next service.

High Days
Our What's On page will give the most up to date information on these services.
Refreshments are available after the 10:30 am service at All Saints' and following the Wednesday 9:30 am service at St Mary's